What Little Me needs?
Everything needed for happiness is within ourselves. This motto has accompanied me for a long time, and I wholeheartedly agree with it. We all possess the potential to achieve fulfillment and joy in life. The energy of our inner child is an invaluable force that allows us to cherish every moment and discover beauty in everyday situations.
When I was a child, everything seemed simple and carefree. My life was filled with joy, spontaneity, fascination, and fantasy. Everything was magical and full of extraordinary discoveries for me. Unfortunately, with the passage of time, many of these positive emotions begin to fade. Adulthood brings with it many responsibilities, problems, and duties that often consume all our attention and energy.
However, it is precisely the energy of our inner child that can help us survive difficult times and maintain the joy of life. It is this part of our personality that allows us to discover new things, experiment, and not be afraid to take on challenges. It is what makes us feel alive and full of energy.
Unfortunately, many people lose connection with their inner child over time. Pushed aside, it is afraid to speak up and express its needs because it feels a lack of interest from our side. We may then feel lost and uncertain, and life may seem devoid of meaning and joy.
That is why it is so important for us to regularly renew our connection with our inner child. We must learn to listen to our needs and desires, not just function based on the demands of others. We must allow ourselves a bit of spontaneity and fantasy so that we can enjoy life and embrace it to the fullest.
As a writer, I often seek inspiration from my inner child. It allows me to create new worlds and characters. It is through it that I discover infinite reservoirs of creativity and imagination within myself.
One of the key elements of renewing our connection with our inner child is allowing ourselves to be ourselves. We don't have to pretend to be someone we're not to gain acceptance from others. We must learn to accept and love ourselves for who we are. This will allow us to build a strong and authentic relationship with our inner child.
Another important element is allowing ourselves to have fun and experiment. We often forget that life is not just about work and obligations. We must allow ourselves a little relaxation and fun so that we can enjoy life. It could be something small, like going to the park and running barefoot on the grass, or something bigger, like taking a dance or painting class.
We must also remember that our inner child needs time and attention. We need to find time to listen to its needs and talk to it. We can do this through meditation, journaling, or simply dedicating time to what brings us joy and relaxation.
Renewing our connection with our inner child can be challenging, especially if it has lived in our shadow for many years. It's worth starting with small steps and gradually introducing more spontaneity and fun into our lives. This will allow us to find the joy of life and magic that lie within us.
Our inner child is an invaluable force that allows us to find joy in life and magic in everyday situations. Renewing our connection with it is crucial for our happiness and fulfillment. We must learn to listen to our needs and desires, allow ourselves to have fun and experiment, and accept and love ourselves for who we are. Only then will we be able to enjoy life and discover infinite reservoirs of creativity and imagination within ourselves.
Text: Monica Meyer 2024